Lusty Reopens!

Earlier this month Lusty Cup reopened! This beloved late night cafe is finally back and I’m so excited to study there again.

Lusty is a coffee shop located in the basement of Canaday Library. The room itself is partly lit and is filled various seating areas: if you need a computer, there’s a whole row of library PCs available for you; if you want a cozy corner to socialize with friends, there are a bunch of sofas for you to curl up on; if you just wanna work alone and have access to an outlet, there are high top tables for you.

More importantly, however, is Lusty’s ambiance. On weekday nights during Lusty’s operating hours, the space is filled with students and chatter fills the air. Mixing in with the conversations are the sounds of the coffee orders being prepared while baristas share their Spotify playlists over the speaker. If I’m ever feeling lonely doing my work, Lusty serves as a place for me to hang out with friends while I study and it’s just nice to have someone there who will empathize with you when you let out a long sigh of frustration over an assignment.

As a senior with the late nights stressing over a heavy workload, coffee is becoming a dear friend of mine and I knew I had get my evening coffee fix at Lusty when it reopened. I did not expect, however, to stand in line for half an hour to place my order and then wait another half an hour to actually receive my drink. The line extended back to the main door and there was a large crowd around the shop’s counter. Clearly many students have a love for the shop and were just as excited to have a Lusty drink again.

To make the reopening extra festive, Lusty brought back their Zodiac series! Of course, as an Aquarius, I had to order the Aquarius drink. With flavors of lavender and white chocolate, the sweet hot drink was perfect to help me wind down after running around the Bi-College all day.

Other drinks I was curious to try out but didn’t get the chance to were the Pisces (Toasted Marshmallow Latte) and the Leo (Butterscotch Honey Cappuccino). In addition they added boba add-ons to their menu! I’m looking forward to reacquainting myself with Lusty’s menu and I’ll definitely be adding some boba into my orders.